A project of charleskwtan enterprise

Working hard & passionately 
to make your stay
affordable, pleasant & rejuvenating

a stylish
studio suite near GURNEY DRIVE




(as of Sept 2022)

Don’t forget to show hospitality
to strangers, for some
who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!


Plan & book your stay
from the available dates/ unreserved dates.


Hi i am CICO

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by friendly host Penang


  1. Writing a host’s review.


Though, i have written hundreds of Word-based articles, i always wanted to write about my hosting journey, but never come about.

This will be my 1st blog.

i have no intention to be cleverer than anyone or teach anyone how to write a review. However, there are ways/ approaches to do it such that both will win.

The last thing a host wants, is a bad review where the whole world read. So, as a host, i always tell my guests never hesitate to ask, so that what is not right, can be made right immediately. Give chance for the guest to enjoy their stay & the host a chance to rectify the situation that is within the host’s control. This faulty world is no perfect heaven. None of us are perfect, even one with 5-star rating. Tell the host the good things & the not so good things. If the guests have tolerance for not so good things, good. The guests can write in private note to the host about those not so good things. If no tolerance, then write a friendly public review.

The fact that hosts & guests exchange reviews show

  1. that they make time out of their precious time
  2. they want to see improvements for others, ideally, themselves if they look forward to having a similar or better future experience.
  3. they want to give credit where credit is due to encourage for better quality place & service. The world needs encouragement, even from the least expected place.
  4. they want to establish good long term host-guest relationship, to some extense, friendship.

Once, i stayed in an Airbnb. Sticky floor, an overall impression of uncleanliness but the setting was immaculate. i wrote a review to the host asking her if she was interested to find out those area for improvements, she can contact me… she never did till this day. Some host may not be interested or their priority, as it is only a job, profit sharing, money into their pocket. Some hosts treat hosting as their passion, as if they have found their purpose. With joy & love, they will walk the extra miles to make it right for their guests.

That is all for now, as i know there are plenty more to write. So, keep an eye on this article. As and when raw situations arise, new update & content will be written on the same topic.