Perhaps, this will be a voice that speaks to those whom you love but who do not want to hear anything coming out from you.


Hi, Charles here @ your friendly Bible reading coach.


To all the children, young or old,

do you want your parents or loved ones to remind you of what to wear, or what to do? Somehow, i know you do not like it. Their intonation and their facial expression ( something to think about) may not be to your liking when they ‘nag’, but they love you. They are morally obligated to protect you from the hostile world out there while they are still alive. 


To all the “innocent” people,

do you know that not everyone thinks like you? You may wear whatever you want, but the world does not belong only to you. There are seemingly good people, but you do not know their hearts and their intentions. No, this is not from me.


The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?
Jeremiah 17:9 NLT


If you establish a relationship with the Word, He is here to invite you to read, equip and send you out.

Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves.
Matthew 10:16 NLT


Based on His precaution, should you not be wise and divert any impulsive & destructive course of actions that may derail you from His plans for you? Nonetheless, there will still be people who cannot listen to His voice. It is very sad to know of someone who is full of potential but heading in the wrong direction. There is an invisible tug of war and tendencies for chaos, darkness and blindness to reign in this fallen world.


Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves.
Matthew 10:16 NLT



Good or bad habit, what you allow to continue will, eventually, become you. Bad ones will open up Pandora’s box of bad things. They WILL come, just a matter of time, if you remain stubborn. Reap what you sow. Do not let your disobedience & ego reveal the worst in you.



For His namesake, you are Christ’s ambassador. You bear the cross, the name of Jesus Christ and the image of God wherever you go. It is about His reputation.


He renews my strength.
He guides me along the right paths, bringing honour to his name.
Psalm 23:3 NLT



Ultimately, if Christians don’t wear the robe of righteousness, they will, physically, not know how to wear decently, the unprepared Christians will be kicked out from attending the Great Feast, into a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth – Matthew 22:11-14. 

Let us dress to please God, not man. If you want more than just reading articles like this, and start thinking like the Son of God, i invite you to join us LIVE. With my Helper, i train groups of people to reach their spiritual potential. Being intentional & intimate with the Word WILL change the way you think.


Your journey with Him starts here. Click below.